Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mutton chops

Another one over a B&W underpainting. Can't seem to get rid of that "hand colored photo" feel. I may try one that's a bit more monochrome local color next and wash in variation.
I had to wash opaque color in to bring the ugly "grayed" parts back to life in this one. I guess that's not a horrible thing, tho.


sarah said...

Hey Mark!

These all look pretty cool. How funny, I've been trying to go the opposite route. I usually have everything finished black and white, and then I colour it... I'm trying to get more comfortable just jumping in with colour right away.

Hurrah sideburns!

Sebastien Gallego said...

I really like this one Mark! I actually don't mind the color palette at all.
Great great Stuff!
Thanks for all your kind words on my blog Mark! That motivates me a lot!
