Thursday, November 15, 2007


On cheap watercolor paper. Maybe 3 inches tall. Keeping it simple at first. Never really used dry brushing before. That helped a lot where I needed softer edges. All in all it went faster than I thought it would. Anyway, I learned some things and will approach the next one a bit differently.


Ramsés Meléndez said...

cool! great color

Garrett Hanna said...

Solid work man! I love this style of painting. Kind of a chunky and loose way of defining the form. Beautiful oil paintings and life drawings too/ I'm getting inspired by you!

Tom Kidd said...

It's entirely my own fault but I've missed seeing your work. Such fun stuff. It makes me laugh the instant I see it sometimes.

It's strange how little I seem to know about some things I use almost every day. I know the Photoshop terms you use when you talk about the Demon Piggie but I don't exactly know how to create a picture that way. Wait, let me look at it closer. Nope, didn't help.

bog_art said...

Thanks thanks thanks for sharing your art!!.. Every sibgle time I see your blog I say to myself that I can always develop my skills..

BJ Crawford said...

I love this one. the lights and darks are working really well to describe the texture. you could reach out and touch it!


dakota73 said...

your worck is realy realy good .Saludos Dany de Argentina please visit my blog

Jennifer said...

very nice illustrations. This is a fun piece!