Thursday, March 13, 2008

And again

With the screaming.


SEILER said...

Mark, your creatures are SO COOL! I love the palette choice, design, the whole nine yards . . . it would be really cool to see a video of you creating one of these.

Dennis Jones said...

...Wow, Mark... this is incredible....

Jeremy Canton said...

Really sweet Mark :) I was just curious, do you draw the linework for these traditionally or are they all digital?

Mark Behm said...

Jason: A good idea for the next video.
Dennis: Thanks!
Jeremy: Most of these are drawn on the machine, but some are done over scanned pencil. Some line, some value drawings. Some there is no line work at all- just massed in values and forms for the foundation.

Hao Wu said...

sweet stuff man. Really love your style. =D

Hao Wu said...

hi there =] I used few different brushes in PS and then erased out parts and then did some overlaying i think.

Bryan Wynia said...

Great work. I have always enjoyed your work. Thanks for sharing!

Anders said...

waow! I dig this one, really great design! the perfect creature to kidnap a gorgeous half naked girl... ^^
can't wait for the video!! ^^

Breadwig said...

I also would love to see a time lapse of you painting one of these. Love this guy.

sarah said...

I love the monster roll you are on... These are all fabulous. Fabulous and scary! I particularly like his tattered wings.

Nacho Molina said...

Fantastic Mark... your latest posts are really cool.

Unknown said...

WICKED creatures!!