Monday, March 03, 2008


This week's DrawerGeeks.


mike said...

that's awesome! i imagine that's really how ol' tarzy would look.

SEILER said...

Intense lighting, and awesome composition . . . brilliant piece man!

Paul Conrad said...

Holy smokes man! That's a winnah!

Marco Bucci said...

hahaaa AWESOME. You've got a good grip on that whole indirect light thing.

Luigi Aimè said...

Wow. That's really interesting... The light on the arm creates a very beautiful deepness effect.

Charles Eubanks said...

Wow, that's incredible! I like how the intensity of his facial expression complements the dark mood of his surroundings. I find the composition fascinating too -- his arm draws your eye in, and the lines formed by his legs and the trees keep your eyes moving around. I'd love to learn about your process, especially the artistic choices you make as you develop a piece like this. Would you consider writing a "making of" blog entry?

Vanhoozerbot said...


Friggin aye.


Jon Diesta said...

Dude! Great character moment. His eyes are really intense! Sweet!!

Unknown said...

Now this is amazing.. I must say you have great understanding of various moods and in depth knowledge of light.

waiting for more


Miriam E Lewis said...

This is really great and I really want to add you to my RSS feed but I can't seem to get it to work... Any ideas why?

Mark Behm said...

Thanks everybody!
Charles: For this one I followed pretty much the same as the little youtube-head below. I didn't save any of the steps tho. Sorry. Some other time.
Yusecki: I know people had issues with google reader and my blog. No idea why. I think they hat to copy/paste the url as the subscribe bookmark doesn't work. Bloglines seems to have no problem with it. Go figure.

aintshakespeare said...

Man, that's really cool. I often wondered how the Disney Tarzan managed to shave.

aintshakespeare said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kaunchen said...

great painting.thanks for posting the paint demo:)

todd Zalewski said...

Hey Mark,
another great piece. love the cool, muted colors in the shadows and the warm, bright colors in the
Yes, Tarzan shouldn't look clean shaven!!

Breadwig said...

eye popperooni man. Very cool. The leaves and hair blowing, rockin.

Anonymous said...

wow...thats amazing Mark. I've always loved the looseness in your paintings/sketches!


Mirella said...

Oh, it's very cool! Love the colours^^

Anders said...


Jose Ramos said...

Hey Marc , could you tell me , what brushes do you use with Painter ,


Onymations said...

Awesome depiction of Tarzan! Love the pose and the color...did you have any reference for this?

Mark Behm said...

I didn't use ref, but it I'm betting it would have been better if I did. :]