Tuesday, April 29, 2008

water and oil

Water-mixable oil paint today (at work). Cropped from the same 9x12 sheet. First time I've tried this stuff in over 1o years. Seems to me they've improved.


SEILER said...

Hmmmm? Interesting, I've never used that stuff before . . . can't paint in home with my oils, don't want to have the stuff around my girls . . . maybe this stuff would be fun to play with at home?

aintshakespeare said...

That wolverine is awesome. I don't know about oils or waters. I've always been afraid to venture out from acrylics. These look great though. Whatever you did worked.

Marco Bucci said...

this is REALLY cool. And inspiring.
The water-mixable oils are what I use as well. They're just great!

Kyri Kyprianou said...

wow, you have an amazing blog! great work...

Rich Pellegrino said...

man, these are awesome. i like how wolvie is "emerging" from the paint.
