
Couple sketch prelims.

Finally got some Atelier colors. Now I have to learn to cope with color. I'm always surprised with how paint scans. It seems to "shoot through" some color and then handle others just fine. Seems to see translucency different than my eyes do.

i dig it! lots of attitude.
Apel Keneval! Sweet! Love the updates Mark.
great sketches Mark - bottom one is beautiful.
I always have better luck shooting my paintings under a daylight balanced lamp that I have (or just in diffuse-lit room during the day). I've given up on scanning paintings entirely, for the reasons you mentioned. I hear that the serious fine art guys pay lots of cash to have professionals do this for them.
Excellent! I love the monkey. Great attitude.
I like this style and coloring
Those look great- nice job!
Hey Mark,
especially the preliminary sketches, they have apart from the power of the painting (lighting, brush strokes) a fantastic graphic personality. The finished evel knievel monkey is superb.
reference folder:)
cheers man
I really like the lighting on these guys!
These two gray ones are beautiful. Completely 'your style.'
Nice sketches.
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