Sunday, November 30, 2008

Don't even look at his sister

Wasn't til the end till I saw the Earth Worm Jim'ness. Ah well.
Also I did an interview with SideBar that was just posted. At the very least, go look at the list of previous podcast interviews they've done. Tons of very cool stuff.


Dark Wizard said...

looks awesome bro

Unknown said...

that's great -and I didn't think Earthworm Jim at all.
I'll check out the sidebar interview soon too.

Unknown said...

haha pretty cool
very earthworm jim feel to this one
great blog dude
lets trade blog links! woot
and hey-how do you set up a 'store' like u did for you nightwork book?

Marco Bucci said...

awesome! My eye goes right to his head. You should illustrate his sister next. And thanks for the heads-up on the interview. That should pass some good time at work today.

Dennis Jones said...

Hey Mark... I enjoyed listening to the interview... I really didn't know much about the guy that had helped me move into the digital art world... interesting to hear about your pilgrimage... thanks again for all your help over the years...

Adrian Lubbers said...

You are a machine Mr. Behm!
It is ver earthworm Jimmy, but who cares... doen't make it any less amazing!

Foom Spectacular said...

That head is disgusting. Great picture man.

Nico Di Mattia said...

Excellent artworks man! Congratulations.