Thursday, February 12, 2009

gnarled viking

This is pretty much how I used to paint everything albeit spending more time.
Value drawing.
Transparent underpainting. Acrylic and then Alkyd here.
Opaque, thicker paint for painting light. Alkyd in this case.
I think I'll do more like this. I'll tape at least one of them.
This one's yours, Jack.


Neil Davies said...

Awesome :)

Amok said...

awesome. i'm so trying this at my next figure painting session.

At your sessions, do you usually do value paintings as well? or work with colour. I'm somewhat apprehensive to try colours.

Mark Behm said...

Hey Amok,
I assume you mean traditional stuff? I rarely do mono under paintings if I'm going to color, or rather nothing past pencil. Nothing wrong with doing that and glazing color on, I just like the look of more ala prima work better where it's all done at once.
I shot some video last of this process last night but my head is in the way for a bit of it. Might post it anyway.

Anonymous said...

Looking great man!

pablo pablo said...

Cool jobs!

Unknown said...

looking good !

Tal Rachmin said...

this one's really great!

good stuff you have here

Manoj Sinha said...

Great looking Mark!!!

Jose Ramos said...

Good work my friend , im working at Painter x , becouse this is very similar to the traditional paint

see you man!

Neil Davies said...

Got the book today Mark, many thanks - it's excellent and the sketch is amazing!