Saturday, August 09, 2008

More drawings inside books

I'm spending way too much time on these at the moment. But I'm only doing a few this way. The others will be more typical con doodle/signatures.

Graphite dust, pencil and prismacolor. I think this stuff would be way easier to handle on decent drawing paper.


Jose Ramos said...

Hey Mark , congratulations for your book , i like these sketch´s ,
See u soon dude !

Louise Cadger said...

congrats on the book! I love the style of your work :)

and also I'm quite interested in that graphite dust, would you recommend it?

Jeff Solway said...

very cool

Aleta Vidal said...

you blow my mind, amazing.

Mark Behm said...

Thanks everybody.
Louise: I would recommend playing with the stuff, but on GOOD paper. It's got to erase well. Also get used to working in layers with a decent fixative. Think of it as a big, fragile airbrush that you can erase out of! If you want to try it, how bout a soft pencil and some sandpaper before you buy a huge mug of it?

Miriam E Lewis said...

Whoo! My book arrived today and I opened it to find that guy at the top :D :D I love it, nice personal touch having doodles in there.

Unknown said...

I really like these alot. You get a nice variation of edges with these materials..gotta try it out.