Tuesday, April 14, 2009


A late night 42 minutes. PainterX. Here's the image.


Jesse Smith said...

That is so Awesome!!

Vee (Scratch) said...

I thought you were a photoshop guy.
What brush did you use? really curious.

Mark Behm said...

I prefer working in painter, even though I deeply hate it and seem to spend most of my day in PS. In the video, I moved the brushes into the view so you can see them as I switch around. Oil camelhair without size change, pallet knives, soft airbrush here and there, detail airbrush for linework.

Julia Lundman said...

i deeply hate painter too but it's what i have on my machine at home.

fancy portrait! i love it.

Marcello Varez said...

Fantastic, thanks for the video, it would be nice if you can add sound to it. Cello

Mark Behm said...

Wish I could, but I got pegged on my last one. Wish there was a "safe" way to do it where everyone was happy.

Marcello Varez said...

I love your work, it was just a comment, please keep it up, we all learn from you. Thank you once again.

Holly Ferris said...

Awesome and inspiring video. Thanks!

gousmanov vadim said...

Very, very cool!