Monday, June 07, 2010

Master copy

Study of a favorite Rockwell piece. I learn something new and remember something I forgot every time I do a quick study like this.

Drawing with my son tonight and wanted to try some charcoal & white pastel pencil. It's always been frustrating to me that fixative wrecks everything it touches. I bought a new one that worked, but it cost me $20 for the can! Latour Sennelier. If it makes charcoal/ chalk/ pastel a viable medium to keep in a sketchbook, it would be worth it.


Jon Thomson said...

Awesome work.

A. Riabovitchev said...

Awesome study!

moon said...

Great study. I'm a big fan of your original stuff too. I had to comment here to tell you to get spectra fix. It's a casein fixative- it works really well, non toxic, an atomizer bottle, and it does not darken or alter the pastel when it dries. Best of all worlds and it's cheap too.

Mark Behm said...

Sweet! Thank you very much. I'll try it.